Potomac Partners
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Our systems partner is one of the world's most respected hardware manufacturers--Unisys. They have named us a "full service Unisys Value Added Reseller (VAR)"--in English, that means they license us to sell their hardware because they recognize that our products and services add substantial value to the transaction.

Unisys is one of a select group of global companies with the broad portfolio of services, technologies and third-party alliances needed to deliver the full benefits of information management. Unisys serves its clients through three global businesses dedicated to providing best-of-breed services and technologies:

The Unisys Information Services Group
Provides management consulting, systems integration, outsourcing services and in-depth market sector expertise to help clients use information to enhance their competitiveness and better serve their own customers.

The Unisys Computer Systems Group
Provides a range of powerful hardware and software technologies that serve as building blocks of advanced information management solutions.

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The Unisys Global Customer Services Group
Provides network integration, desktop services and other services that help clients maximize the availability and effectiveness of their distributed computing environments.

What does Unisys do?
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Unisys works with businesses and government agencies to help them realize the benefits of information management in their organizations. Through their services and technologies, Unisys helps clients change the way they manage and use information to improve their competitiveness and responsiveness.

Who, where and how does Unisys serve?

Over 50,000 clients in 100 countries

41 of the 50 largest banks worldwide

50% of the world's checks are processed on Unisys systems

More than 1,500 government agencies worldwide, including the US federal government and all 50 US states

More than two million bank users daily throughout Latin America.

For reservation systems: 200 airlines worldwide

For passenger and cargo reservations: 17 of the world's top 25 airlines

More than 100 of the world's airports.

For publishing: 70 newspapers in 10 countries

65 of the world's leading telecommunications companies in more than 30 countries

For the delivery more than 20 billion voice and data messages for telecommunications

For processing 250 million income tax returns annually around the world

To protect the lives and property of more than 55% of the US population by Criminal justice agencies
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